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Scalp Scope

Let's get up close and personal with your garden

What is a scalp scope?

A scalp scope (trichoscope) is a specialized tool used to examine your hair and scalp up close. This tool helps give us insight into the overall health and wellness of your hair and scalp. Armed with this information, we can tailor your routine for optimal health and track your progress over time.


No hair or scalp concerns? That's ok, too. 

Some people book this just because they're curious!

What can it tell us?

The short answer... a LOT!


Some of the most important information you'll get from this analysis includes:

  • Is your scalp balanced and happy?

  • How many hairs per square cm?

  • What is the quality of these hairs?

  • Are the routines you're using working for you?

  • Are there early signs of Androgenetic Alopecia?


All this information gets pulled into a report mapping out where you stand. Armed with this information, you can make informed decisions for yourself.

Do I get a copy of the report?

You bet! The information is yours to use how you choose. You'll get a digital report with pictures and charts interpreting the information.

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